

Here you'll find a series of steps to achieve a goal.

Create your first project

To create a new project, create a new directory and fetch default values like this.

mkdir myProject
cd myProject
avalon --init
# Edit .inventory.toml and .config.toml
avalon --save

--init and --save will take into account the name of the parent directory as the project name and produce two files, the "inventory" and "config". You can override this via --root. See --help for details.

Create your second project

Once you've tailored the configuration and inventory to your liking, you can re-use them for future projects.

  1. Copy your .config.toml and .inventory.toml files from your first project.
  2. Run the --save command

For example

mkdir mySecondProject
cd mySecondProject
copy ../myProject/.* ./
avalon --save
mkdir mySecondProject
cd mySecondProject
cp ../myProject/.* ./
avalon --save

The --init command is used to write a generic configuration and inventory to your current working directory. If you already have some, it isn't necessary.

Create your first asset

With a project up and running, how do you actually go about creating assets?

cd myproject
avalon --load
# Edit .inventory.toml
avalon --save

With --load, the .inventory.toml is written to your current working directory, ready for you to edit. Here's an example entry into the .inventory.toml.

name = "Batman"
label = "The Batman"  # (Optional) Nicer name
group = "Character"  # (Optional) Visual grouping
icon = "gear"  # (Optional) Icon from FontAwesome

With the changes saved, you'll find the new asset in the Launcher.

Load project by name

Normally, the project name is derived from the current working directory. You may also pass a project name to the --load argument, e.g. --load myproject

List available projects

When loading a project for the first time, you can list available in the Avalon database via avalon --ls